
City inside Saurodin

Can be home to characters.

The capital city of Serpentem, Rhynerim is well known for its most defining feature- the entire city and the surrounding landmass are being slowly pulled into the sky, away from Serpentem's mainland. The city and the white gold Sovereign's palace are tethered in place by massive golden chains, with new ones being added each year as the land continues to peel away. This has been attributed largely to a fight between two dragons thousands of years back- one that left the land so cursed that it's still obviously affected even now.

Rhynerim is the largest and busiest city on the continent, with huge white marble skyscrapers and a robust method of public transport to facilitate travel between the various "islands" that make up the city. It is also the home of the reluctant ruler of Dragolet society: Sovereign Casimira.

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