An image of the Dragolet NPC Hazard, a grey and red Dragolet. It says Terms of Service.

These Terms of Service (referred to in this document as "Terms" or "Agreement")outline the rules and expectations of users of Your use of the Service is subject to these Terms. By accessing, registering, or using, you hereby agree that you have fully read and understood the following Terms.

Please read these Terms carefully. If you do not read the Agreement, understand the Agreement, or do not accept any part of the Agreement, then you may not use the Service.



The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of these Terms of Service:

  • Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.

  • Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us", "Admins", "Staff", or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Dragolets and those who maintain it.

  • Country refers to: United States of America

  • Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.

  • Service refers to the Website

  • Character refers to any digital Dragolet design authorized for use with the Service.

  • Offsite Community refers to any website, blog, or group that is unaffiliated with the Service.

  • Website refers to Dragolet Nest, accessible from

  • Community Space refers to social media accounts or Discord chats that are maintained by the Company and are actively affiliated with the Service.

  • "You", "the User", "a User", and/or "Users" means the individual or individuals accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.


Intellectual Property Rights

Other than content you own, which you may have opted to include on this Website(See: User-Submitted Content), under these Terms, Dragolets own all rights to the intellectual property and material contained in this Website, and all such rights are reserved. You are granted a limited license only, subject to the restrictions provided in these Terms, for purposes of viewing the material contained on this Website.

Ownership of a Dragolet means you own partial rights to that character design. The Dragolet species and the setting of Serpentem belong solely to the Company, and as such, you do not own full rights to your Dragolet design. You may use the official design elsewhere, but must link back to the Website and/or the original creator of the design for credit- this applies even to voided Dragolets. For further information, please see Character Ownership.

Any lineart or bases provided by the Company are the sole property of the Company, and may be used only for the following:

  • Creating new Dragolet designs, with the intention of putting them through a Design Approval on the Website to be made into an official design for use on the Website.

  • Coloring in Your personal Dragolet characters.

  • Coloring in the existing personal Dragolet characters of other Users, with their permission, with or without payment.

No one may use the lineart to create adoptables, your character here variations, and any other usage offsite unless they have written permission from the admins.


Site Access

The Service is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Staff reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Service or individual Users' access to it, at Our sole discretion, at any time and without notice, without compensation (monetary or otherwise) to Users who have accessed the Service.

The Service, its associated species (Dragolets), all officially-run community spaces, and all game functions are intended for Users 18 and older. Users under the age of 18 may not register for or use, nor may they obtain any Dragolet designs.

If a User is discovered to be under the age of 18, their account on will be banned, and all of their Characters onsite will be deactivated. This ban and deactivation of characters will not be removed until the day the User turns 18, or two years from the date of the ban- whichever period of time is longer.

Each individual accessing the Website may only register and use one Account, and each Account may only be accessed and used by one individual. Accounts may not be transferred between Users, nor may all of the advantages or rewards from one Account be funneled to another Account.

You must choose a unique username for Your Account. The chosen username must not be unlawful, hateful, vulgar, offensive, obscene, defamatory, or attempting to impersonate another User.  We reserve the right to modify or remove usernames or ban Accounts that fail to abide by these Terms, at Our discretion. 

It is each individual User's responsibility to use a secure email and strong password for their Account. You will be held liable for any and all activity on Your Account.

Dragolets is not and will not be liable to Users for any modification, suspension, or termination of the Service. This includes modification, suspension, or termination of a User's Account or access to the Service. 

The virtual currency and items that are held on each User's Account are authorized for use only while the Account is open and unbanned from the Service. If a User is banned, the items held on their Account will be terminated with the Account itself and may not be transferred. The Characters on a User's Account have distinct ownership Terms. Please click here to view the Terms pertaining to Character ownership.


Community Conduct

Users are prohibited from engaging in illegal content, hate speech, using slurs, or promoting political views that are harmful to oppressed groups. Users may not use their Dragolet designs to post or promote hate speech, slurs, or harmful and/or illegal content. We reserve the right to terminate the Account of any User that is posting content or speech found to be harmful to others within the community, at Our discretion.

Users are prohibited from harassing, threatening, or abusing other Users, including members of Staff. This includes going into Offsite Communities in order to harass or abuse other Users, as well as submitting harassing or abusive content to be posted on the User's behalf by a third party.

Unwanted solicitation of other Users is prohibited. Do not message other Users to ask for donations of any virtual or real currencies and/or items. Do not message other Users to ask them to sell, trade, or give their Characters to you.

Users are prohibited from creating a hostile environment within the Service or its Community Spaces. This includes, but is not limited to: publically posting excessive or aggressive negativity about the Service and/or other Users, consistently using inflammatory or negative "Reactions" on other Users' discord messages, and creating and/or participating in Offsite Communities for the purpose of spreading negativity and gossip about other Users that are trying to enjoy the Service.

Feedback and criticism of the Service must be conveyed to Us via an onsite ticket or through our official Feedback Form. We are open to and accepting of criticism, but it must go through one of these channels, in order to avoid disrupting other Users' enjoyment of the Service and Community Spaces.

The Website and the Community Spaces associated with it, including but not limited to any officially-run social media accounts and the Dragolets discord server, are all considered part of the Community. While We do not monitor User activity outside the Community, We may take action against a User if they are reported to be in violation of these Terms by another User.


User-Submitted Content

In these Website Standard Terms And Conditions, “Your Content” shall mean any audio, video, text, images or other material you choose to display on this Website. Your Content must be your own and must not be infringing on any third party’s rights.

Dragolets is not liable for content or information submitted by Users, nor are We liable for any User voluntarily providing or posting any private or sensitive information. However, We reserve the right to edit, remove, or reclassify content that We determine, at Our sole discretion, to be objectionable. We are not liable for any failure to remove, or delay in removing, any content.

Collaborative content, including but not limited to content created using premade bases, is only allowed to be submitted if You have the full knowledge and permission of all collaborators. A blanket "this base is free to use" is not enough- You must have explicit permission from the base's creator to use it on the Website.

Users are allowed to submit the following content with no warnings-

  • Mild blood/violence
  • Swearing/Strong Language (Not including slurs or bigoted language)
  • Consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or THC/weed.
  • Brightly colored static images.
  • Suggestive content
  • Content mentioning death
  • Mild body horror.
  • Creepy or unsettling imagery

Users may submit the following content as long as it is filtered and assigned appropriate content warnings-

  • Major blood/violence
  • Non-sexual nudity
  • Other depictions of drugs/mind-altering substances
  • Animations containing extremely bright or saturated colors
  • Flashing, strobe effects, and chromatic aberration
  • Content featuring or displaying death
  • Major body horror. (Please note: disabled or scarred bodies are not body horror, please don't filter them! This is largely referring to things such as unsettlingly detailed misplaced eyes or mouths, or parasitic infections.)

The following content is not allowed on the Website or within its Community Spaces-

  • Explicit sexual content
  • Suggestive content featuring underage characters or characters with a familial relationship.
  • Hateful symbols or bigoted content
  • Depictions of suicide or self harm.

Users are prohibited from submitting content that has been created through the use of any AI generators.


Character Ownership

Owning a Dragolet character means that you own partial rights to that character design, granting you permission to do the following-

  • Use your Dragolet character to participate in onsite activities, such as prompts, games, or breeding.
  • Use your Dragolet character in a more broad sense, such as developing a history or personality for them, as well as drawing them and expanding on their design via our onsite Design Approval system.
  • Use and/or display any art or writing depicting your Dragolet character, with credit to the individual creators of those works.
  • Use your Dragolet's design on alternate forms or within other communities, so long as the ownership of any closed communities allow it on their end. Alternate forms MUST be transferred with the Dragolet character in the event of a trade/sale.
  • Trade, sell, or gift your Dragolet character to another user on the Website. Users must have an account onsite in order to receive ownership of a Dragolet. Please see Ownership Transfers for further details.

The following permissions are not granted by your ownership of the Dragolet. Users found to be using their Dragolets in this way will be subject to strikes and/or bans.

  • Usage of your Dragolet in commercial endeavors, such as on t-shirts or other merchandise, or within any kind of paywalled story (such as a novel for sale in an online marketplace.)
  • Usage of your Dragolet alongside hate symbols, bigotry, or other objectionable content.
  • Resale, trade, or any other transfer of ownership to currently banned/blacklisted users and/or underage users.

Dragolets can only ever have one owner- the one that has the character on their Account on the Website. Users may still casually "co-own" designs with a friend, but understand that this is not officially supported. "Co-owns" cannot be sold or traded for, and Dragolet staff cannot help you if there is a dispute in ownership between a "co-owner" and the actual owner of a Dragolet character.

Dragolet characters may be voided by the current owner of the design- should this occur, the design will be hidden from our masterlist. Please understand that by voiding your Dragolet, it is released from our Terms, and immediately becomes beholden to the Terms of the individual artist/designer that created the character. If You are not the creator of your Dragolet, we highly encourage you to review the individual artist's Terms prior to voiding, as they may be different from our own. If you cannot find the artist's Terms readily, please reach out to them and ask. Do not assume an artist has no ToS just because you do not see it immediately.

We do not bear any responsibility for a change in permissions or terms due to the voiding of a character.

Voided Dragolets, including both self-voided or those voided due to a ban, must still properly link back to the Website and the original creator of the design for proper credit.


Ownership Transfers

The total value of a Dragolet character is determined by two things-

  • The original purchase price of the character, or the price of the MYO slot used to create the character.
  • The added value of commissioned art. This is the total cost of all art that was commissioned of the Dragolet. This includes the initial cost of a design if you used a MYO slot but paid another user to design it for you. This does not include any personally drawn art or art that was gifted to you for free, only commissioned work.

We do not track the total value of every character onsite. However, we do record the original purchase price of every Dragolet character, which is publically viewable in the "Ownership" tab of every masterlist entry. It is up to the individual users to keep track of the total value of their characters if they would like to resell or voucher them for that price.

If you would like to resell your Dragolet for their total value (original value PLUS the value of their art), you must have the art on hand and be able to show your prospective buyer what they are paying extra for. It is okay to only show thumbnails/heavily watermarked images until the sale is complete- you just need to show your buyer proof that the commissioned art exists before they complete their purchase.

If a user reports abuse of this system, staff may ask to see the extra art themselves to verify that it does indeed exist. If a user is found to be abusing this system by raising the price for art that does not exist or by lying about the cost of commissioned art pieces in order to inflate the Dragolet’s resale value, they may be subject to strikes or bans from the species as necessary.

Exchanges of Dragolets for other goods/services are defined in the following ways-

  • Trades: You exchange your Dragolet for goods that are already owned by/in the possession of another user (ie. another Dragolet, a non-Dragolet character, physical goods), or You exchange Your Dragolet for services that another user will personally provide (art, custom design, etc.)
  • Vouchers: You exchange your Dragolet for goods that the other user does not yet own, or services that the user will pay for, but will be performed by a 3rd party. There is about $30 of wiggle room for vouchers, meaning that You may voucher your $50 Dragolet for an $80 video game, but would not be able to request a user purchase a $150 character in exchange for that same Dragolet. This applies to free Dragolets as well- the voucher value cannot exceed $30 for a Dragolet with a total value of $0. Gift cards are not a valid option for vouchers, and would fall under the definition of a Sale, instead.
  • Sales: You exchange your Dragolet for any currency with a real-world value, such as USD, CAD, or any gift cards. This includes online currencies that may be directly converted into real-world currencies, such as DeviantArt Points. This cannot exceed the total value of a Dragolet.

These rules are in place to deter scalping of designs and/or users being taken advantage of for monetary gain.


Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, You can contact us:

  • By email:

  • By visiting this page on our website:
    Note that only logged-in users will be able to contact us via an onsite ticket.